Everyone Enjoys MAHO beach
Sunsets, Aircraft and Parties....

Maho Beach - A haven for the thrill seekers...


Just mention this west coast beach and the party animals come to life. Its located on the west coast of the Island. That's the area where everything seems to happen.

In the daytime this shoreline attracts visitors and locals alike. With a length of only about 200 meters, this simple beach located next to the Maho and Royal Islander hotels beacons even the non enthusiast to its domain.

This beach has a mind of it's own. At certain times of the year it suffers massive erosion to the extent that the only thing to be seen is the remaining boulders.

While at other times the sand is redeposited to create a beach of almost 50 feet out. So if you plan to visit this one make a note of that.

Make sure to walk with your camera at all times. This is a haven for sunset watchers.

You couldn't ask for better pictures than on this beach.

So what's so interesting about this location? Well, besides the normal stuff, Maho beach is also located at the end of the Princess Juliana International Airport.

It's probably the only place in the world where you can get this close up and personal with the aircraft. You'd think the Pilot had lost his mind as each plane hops over the fence and onto the airstrip.

Visitors from all over the world plan their entire trip around this simple activity. If you don’t mind a whole lot of noise, then Maho is the beach for you to get involved with something a bit more than just exciting.

You will have the experience of your life as you position yourself to let a 747 Jumbo jet pass 50feet over your head on it's way to the runway.

Or if you're the more adventurous type, maybe you'd like to hang onto the fence as you test your “whits” against the jet blast during take off. (NOT RECOMMENDED)

You can also find restaurants, hotels, casinos, beach chairs and umbrellas but most of all the bars. I'd like to think that bars are important for such a day tour.

I recommend Sun Set Beach Bar just a few seconds walk from the beach. Sunset offers a restaurant and bar and all day live entertainment for when you feel like getting off the beach for just a bit.

UPDATE: Sunset Beach Bar and Bliss night club were both destroyed by Hurricane Omar in October 2008.

Whenever you're in St Maarten this has to be one of your daytime activities. I go to Maho on a regular basis just to wind down early evening or in the afternoon.

I can never get enough of watching people going up against that jet blast. Hope you'll make it some day. Maybe I'll see you there.

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