12 metre FAQs...

12 Metre FAQs - We hope the following FAQs help to make your booking process as smooth as possible.

Where are the boats located?

12 Metre boats are kept on moorings in Great Bay, Philipsburg, and our compound is located at Bobby's Marina in Philipsburg.

How many yachts do you have, and what are they called?

12 Metre has five famous America’s Cup yachts in their fleet. They are Stars & Stripes 86, Stars & Stripes 87, Canada II, True North I, and True North IV.

What should we bring?

You may bring bags and towels etc. as there is dry storage below decks on the boats.

What sort of shoes should we wear?

It is best to wear soft soled shoes. Certainly no high heels and flimsy sandals.

Can I bring my camera or will it get damaged?

You can bring your camera, which should remain in your bag (below decks) until after the race, when there will be time for photos on your sail back to the tender.

Will we be able to get something to drink on board the boats?

There are complimentary drinks on board: water, soda, and beer.

Are there restrooms on the boats?

There are no toilets/heads on board the yachts, although there are plenty back at the compound. Be sure to go before you leave if you think you wont last 3 hours.

Will I need to bring any money with me?

You might like to bring a few dollars for crew gratuity if deemed appropriate, and perhaps you would like to purchase a souvenir of your exciting sail.

What does your boutique stock?

Back at the 12 Metre compound there's a boutique which carries replica crew t-shirts, caps, skippers polo shirts, Tilley Hats, etc, and a fantastic full color action photograph of you racing in your first America’s Cup.

Do you accept credit cards or US dollars?

12 Metre accept US dollars Cash, Travelers Checks, Visa Card and Master Card. 12 Metre DOES NOT accept American Express, Novus, or Discover cards.

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